Sunday, January 20, 2008
You are the Heart of My Business

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Mary Kay Success Newsletter January 14

- One of the first things you need to organize in your Mary Kay business is your daily activities. Here is a great worksheet to get you started!
- NSD Kathy Helou gives you 10 Steps To Organize Your Life
- Here are tons of tips for organizing your Mary Kay business
- In your car a lot? You'll want to make sure your office on wheels is well stocked.
- Do you love seeing how the uber-organized live? Check out this fab MK office!
- Want a chance to Earn While You Learn? Check out this exciting contest to win $100 cash!
- And last but not least, see what Mary Kay had to say in our quote of the week.
If you would like to recieve this weekly newsletter and other valuable tips subscribe here.
Have a Pink Week!
Darci Dollars Jackpot Meter

Mary Kay Success Earn While You Learn Contest

Earn While You Learn Contest!
Mary Kay Office In Your Car

6 ea. demo brushes, a few cotton balls, a few white labels, business cards
Mary Kay Quote of the Week
Lots of Mary Kay Organization Tips!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
10 Steps To Organizing Your Life

Psychological studies show that people are more productive when working in an organized environment. That’s great news for the neat freaks, but what about organizationally deficient folks? Are they destined to wallow in their debilitating clutter for eternity? Of course not! With a little effort, anyone can learn organizational skills and reap the benefits of an orderly life.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Mary Kay Success Weekly Newsletter January 7, 2008

Welcome to this week's edition of the buzz! This week we focus on Goal Setting! Whether your Mary Kay business is your first experience with setting goals or you've been setting them all of your life, you are sure to find some help in the articles we feature this week!
- Our first article is an excerpt from Independent Executive National Sales DirectorEmeritus Arlene Lenarz’s Seminar 2000 Speech entitled, Now Is The Time For Goal Setting.
- Have the words, "I'll get around to it." ever fallen out of your mouth? If they have, you will definately want one of these.
- If you are ready to set your Mary Kay goals, you may want to check out these 7 Steps To Achieving a Goal.
- Consultants are not the only ones with goals - our customers have them too! This Monday Marketing Minute will help your customers meet their goals for a new look for the New Year!
- Independent Sales Director Carol Scholes of Tacoma, Washington shares some tips for Keeping Goals.
- If getting prepared for taxes is one of your goals, you will not want to miss out on this FREE teleconference!
- And last but not least, see what Mary Kay had to say about goals!
If you would like to recieve this weekly newsletter and other valuable tips subscribe here.
Have a Pink Week!
7 Steps To Achieving A Goal

1. Express your goal in terms of specific events or behaviors.
For a dream to become a goal, it has to be specifically defined in terms of operations, meaning what will be done. When a goal is broken down into steps, it can be managed and pursued much more directly. "Being happy," for example, is neither an event nor a behavior. When you set out to identify a goal, define what you want in clear and specific terms.
2. Express your goal in terms that can be measured.
How else will you be able to determine your level of progress, or even know when you have successfully arrived where you wanted to be? For instance, how much money do you aspire to make?
3. Assign a timeline to your goal.
Once you have determined precisely what it is you want, you must decide on a timeframe for having it. The deadline you've created fosters a sense of urgency or purpose, which in turn will serve as an important motivator, and prevent inertia or procrastination.
4. Choose a goal you can control.
Unlike dreams, which allow you to fantasize about events over which you have no control, goals have to do with aspects of your existence that you control and can therefore manipulate. In identifying your goal, strive for what you can create, not for what you can't.
5. Plan and program a strategy that will get you to your goal.
Pursuing a goal seriously requires that you realistically assess the obstacles and resources involved, and that you create a strategy for navigating that reality. Willpower is unreliable, fickle fuel because it is based on your emotions. Your environment, your schedule and your accountability must be programmed in such a way that all three support you — long after an emotional high is gone. Life is full of temptations and opportunities to fail. Those temptations and opportunities compete
with your more constructive and task-oriented behavior. Without programming, you will find it much harder to stay the course.
6. Define your goal in terms of steps.
Major life changes don't just happen; they happen one step at a time. Steady progress, through well-chosen, realistic, interval steps, produces results in the end. Know what those steps are before you set out.
7. Create accountability for your progress toward your goal.
Without accountability, people are apt to con themselves. If you know precisely what you want, when you want it — and there are real consequences for not doing the assigned work — you are much more likely to continue in your pursuit of your goal. Find someone in your circle of family or friends to whom you can be accountable. Make periodic reports on your progress.
Now Is The Time For Goal Setting

Excerpted from Independent Executive National Sales Director
Emeritus Arlene Lenarz’s Seminar 2000 Speech
You will never achieve your goals living on the “aisle” of someday. Someday “aisle” win my free car. Someday “aisle” be a Star Consultant. Someday “aisle” become a Sales Director.
You know what?
Someday is not a day of the week.
You can’t just stroll to your goal. You can’t lounge your way to the top.
Launch your way to the top, and your launching pad is your skin care class.
O’Henry tells the story of the New York artist who planned to paint a great masterpiece. His picture was to be colossal. Those who heard him tell of his plan were thrilled by the concept. It would send his name echoing forever down the ageless corridors of time. It would make him a companion of the immortal DaVinci and the magnificent Rembrandt.
But he couldn’t start the picture today. Things just weren’t right - a touch of rheumatism, a gloomy day, bad light, not in the mood.
So it went on and on until one day his friends found him dead in his bed. They took up his lifeless body and buried his unfinished masterpiece with him.
Will the masterpiece you have dreamed your life to be, be buried with you because you lived on the “aisle” of someday? Someday “aisle” achieve things that will surprise everyone. Someday “aisle” startle the world of Mary Kay with my accomplishments. Someday “aisle” get tired of standing outside, and I will force my way
into the banquet hall and demand my place at the banquet table.
and while you talk about someday, the days slip away and the fabric of life wears thin, and as Mary Kay said, “Far too many people go to their graves with their masterpiece unpainted, their music unplayed, and their dreams never realized."
But your dreams are in the making - so seize the moment - today, not tomorrow.
to make your life a masterpiece.
Mary Kay Focus on Goals

Focus on Goals
Independent Sales Director Carol Scholes of Tacoma, Wash., shares these basic tips on goals:
Why Set Goals?
1. When goals are set, things happen.
2. Goals make you feel good about yourself.
3. Goals provide attitude adjustments.
4. Goals establish self-discipline and motivation.
5. Goals give you direction and purpose.
6. Goals take you where you want to go.
7. Goals create good habits and patterns to follow.
8. A goal will eliminate others from controlling your life. Set a goal to discipline yourself. If
you don't, others will.
Goals Can Be Negative If:
1. They are too big.
2. They are out of your sphere of interest.
3. You believe luck is necessary to arrive at your destination.
4. You set your goal by comparing yourself with others' accomplishments.
5. You are doing it for someone else.
Reasons Most People Do Not Set Goals:
1. They are not sold on the benefits.
2. They feel it's safer not to.
3. They fear commitment, failure or success.
4. They have a poor attitude or focus.
5. They don't want to work.
Setting A Goal
1. Decide exactly what you want - be very specific.
2. Aim high - you should have "butterflies." Stretch your limits.
3. Create visuals. The subconscious mind accepts all information as fact and cannot
distinguish between what is real and what is imagined and believed.
4. Involve family members. Find out what's in it for them.
5. Pick someone to emulate.
6. Define where you are. Goals must be "BIG" according to your ability.
7. Determine what you are capable of in a day, a week, a month and a year.
8. Write your goals in detail and talk about them with appropriate people.
9. Focus on your goal daily. If a goal is not focused on for 3 days, it's as if it never existed.
10. See goals as if they had already happened.
11. Keep your FOCUS. (Follow One Course Until Successful.)
12. Quitting is not an option.
13. Set another goal immediately upon reaching a goal.
Six Parts of a Goal
1. WOW - Excitement of a goal.
2. HOW - Plan to achieve a goal.
3. NOW - Just do it.
4. OUCH - Do it anyway!
5. VOW - Commitment to reach goal.
6. POW - The Victory!
Mary Kay Monday Marketing Minute

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Top 10 Things To Do For 2008 in Mary Kay

By Future Executive Senior Sales Director Connie Guthrie
Tip: Do it as if you were placing an order on line. Then it will total it for you and you can print it out for your records.
9. Clean out your starter kit.
Tip: Take everything out, clean it up, put it all back in and you will want to hold a class.
8. Clean out your “on the go inventory”
Tip: Make sure you have at least one of everything and several of those things you sell the most.
7. Separate your limited and discontinued items from your inventory.
Tip: Use them as hostess gifts, door prizes, in a discount basket, or as a gift with purchase.
6. Place an order to fill in any gaps in your inventory A.S.A.P.
Tip: Be sure and check your class supplies and restock them so you will be ready fot the New Year.
5. Purge your customer file.
Tip: Hire someone or you.. call each customer to make sure they are happy with their products, fill any needs they have, check for phone numbers and address changes.
4. Go over your calendar for January- highlight when you want to hold classes.
Tip: Decide on a hostess contest for each month of the year so you will have a reason to book. Example…
3. Add up all your receipts for your tax info so you can start fresh for 2008.
Tip: To keep up with personal use…type a list of those items you use most and their retail price beside them. Tape it to the door of your inventory closet with a pen too, and then as you take it off your shelf you can put a hash mark.
2. Add up your sales for the year.
Tip: If you have been doing your weekly accomplishment sheets, you have this number already. Plan to start 2008 on day one and keep up with it all year.
1. Do all of the above after 9 pm at night and before 9 am in the morning!
Tip : Except for calling your customers!
Mary Kay - The Art of Networking

(From The Art of Networking CD by Cindy Macado, Leader of the Mac Attack, Million Dollar Director, Offspring of Pamela Shaw)
Beauty Salons
It takes a little bit of time because you have to develop a relationship with the owner or manager of the salon as well as the beauty operators. Bounce around to a bunch of them.
Find one that is up to date and has some advertising in the windows. Offer free makeovers for their clients for client appreciation.
- You tell them this is a different type of Make over. I'm going to teach you how to do this yourself so you can look this good all of the time.
- Give the receptionist at the shop and incentive to help you. Tell her when she is booking regular appointments if she mentions that you will be there doing makeovers you will give her free product. Give her a book and samples to peak her interest.
- Get the staff to love you. Get the names and numbers of the people you will be making over beforehand. Call them to be sure they don't already have a consultant.
- Do satin hands on each client while they have on their color. You can find a flyer about this idea on Pam Shaw's website. Click on Cindy Machado's face under directors on Pam's site. She allows her Inner Circle directors to place flyers on her website
Brides Fairs
Also check the newspaper for engagement announcements
New brides make good recruits because they are going through major change in their life. 1/2 to 1/3 of her recruits last year came from brides.
- Do the bride first along with maybe her mother and her maid of honor. Then go back and do the bridesmaids another day. This will keep you from being there all day.
- Community day, church functions, look in the newspaper craft fairs etc.
- Call them and get a table. It could cost anywhere from free up to about $30.00.
This can sometimes be a bust and sometimes it can be great. The key is if you get a good troupe leader.
- Have her set up a mother and daughter pampering session. Don't try it with just the girls. We need the mom's there so we can teach them what to do to take care for their skin so that they can act as a mentor for their daughters.
- We don't want to tell them that we want the moms there because they have the cash, and we don't want the daughters going home telling the mom's I want this, this and this and the mom's don't know what's going on.
Facial Boxes
These are sometimes called fishbowls. You could get good & bad results from this idea.
The key is to have a lot of them out and move it if it ain’t producing. Get the owner sold on the idea.
- You use small sheets that say Register here to win a $10 gift certificate to the store and a free makeover. Have 5 to 10 out at a time.
- Please know that some will be thrown out, some will have names of men and others kids will sign up. So what keep moving. Good place to target are bagel shops, coffee shops, dry cleaners, doctors offices i.e. OB/GYN doctors.
- At the coffee shop talk to the person behind the counter each morning. Offer her a satin hands set for getting people to put in their name and number.
- Try and target everyplace that you are spending your money. If you are doing business with them they should be doing business with you.
These are best if you get them from men that you do business with or men that you know who do business with other women. Men such as real estate salesmen, or insurance salesmen who are always meeting sharp women.
Pamper sessions
Call people who work in the healthcare industry. They are usually overworked and underpaid. The person in charge is always looking for ways to pamper the staff that is nice and won't take a big bite out of their budget.
- You go in and offer your service. You tell them that you know they are always looking for ways to pamper their staff and you are there to help.
- You will not push product on them. You will just do a luxurious hand treatment and have books and samples if they would like something.
- Have the clients fill out the cards for a free facial/makeover and for the drawing. Bring wrapped PCP gifts for the drawing.
- Bring a sample hand cream for everyone.
- When applying the satin hand treatment really massage their hands and this gives you a brief moment to talk to each person. Use the private spa lotions to finish off the hand treatment instead of the hand cream.
Chamber of Commerce
Call the Chamber and find out when they have their mixers/business card exchanges
In the Bay Area a great example would be 1st Fridays These are opportunities to meet lots of sharp professionals!
- You don’t have to actually join the chamber, just pay the entrance fee of $10-$20 of the event.
- Walk around tables and talk to professional women, but also approach business men about pampering their wives or “special someone’s”
- When you spot a really sharp woman, here’s a sample script:
“Hello, I’ve only got about 10 minutes and I’m looking for sharp women to go in my portfolio of professional women. I’ve scanned the room and saw you and rushed over to ask if I could feature you in my Before & After portfolio of professional women”
Then exchange cards. The best thing is that you’ve got her work number, so she’s less likely to “hide” from you. She’s a professional so if she isn’t interested she’ll say “no” and if she books, the appt. is more likely to hold, since she understands business.
When you put her photo in your portfolio, but her business card next to her face which will promote her business
Fashion Shows
Offer to provide facials for the models. This can lead to doing the makeup for their shows or on-going skin care sessions
Mom’s/Women’s Groups (Mothers of Preschoolers, Moms of Twins, Women’s Ministries, etc)
- Offer to do a small presentation (if you are at their function, do on-the-spot mini facials)
- Have samples to pass around, attached to your business card
Networking Groups (a cost is attached). It is recommended that you join those with men in them (i.e. proverbial women cattiness ... per Cindy Mack)
- LeTIP International (Call for a local chapter). There is a $300 fee; however you make it back really quick.
Benefits: There is only one type of business represented in each group (i.e. (1) cosmetics person, (1) attorney, (1) dry cleaner, etc)
They provide business leads for each other and are required to give one tip per month - During the holidays, all the group members shop with you!
Dress Shops (Higher End ones)
- Go to specialty shops, consignment shops, Casual Corner, Express, etc.
- Set up a table, with a “Register to Win” sign. Ask shoppers to register to win a gift certificate from the store and to receive a free pamper session.
- Call all the leads in the box, after you’ve given away the gift certificate, book from the other names in the box
Professional Before & After Photos
Go to places where image is crucial. People such as bank managers may want to do a pamper/makeover session for their staff to insure professional images.
- Compile a purse-sized one to show potential prospects
- To take a Before Shot: Have the model stand in front of a WHITE wall, with a WHITE towel draped around them, then photograph with them NOT smiling
- To take an After Shot: Have the model wear a bright blouse and/or a colorful scarf and fluff their hair. Then photograph them WITH a smile
Fund Raisers
- Find school athletic coaches, PTA staff, Volunteer Queens/Kings, Church groups
- Call Schools for their Principals or Office Administrators
- Call churches for their Pastors, Ministry Leaders or Administrators
- ID these groups and find out how you can partner with them so that both of you can benefit from your services I.e. You provide free facials for PTA ladies (referrals and possible sales for you) and the PTA has increased attendance and participation, etc.
Networking is the Key ... if you get out of your house. Some of these ideas may not work for you, but if you try one, another will be created. These are ways to build your Circles of Influence!
Turning A Mary Kay Facial Into A Double Facial

Tax Advice For Mary Kay

Who: The Deduction Diva- Vicky Collins, CPA
Conference Call Number(218) 486-1300 Bridge/Pin 954754
Mary Kay Affirmation of The Week

The New Mary Kay Director Suit
Mary Kay Prize Resources

Do you need to reward a hard working team or unit member? Do you need a great hostess gift or incentive? Here are some great resources:
Rancho Trading Companyhttp://ranchotrading.com
ABC Distributinghttp://www.abcdistributing.com
Access to Accessorieshttp://www.accesstoaccessories.com
Accessory Wholesale Inc.Costume Jewelryhttp://www.awnol.com Ace ImportDiscount Purseshttp://www.aceimport.com
Angelic Dreamzhttp://www.angelicdreamz.com
CNL Jewelershttp://www.cnljewelers.com
Favors Directhttp://www.favorsdirect.com
Forever Charminghttp://www.forevercharming.com
Girlfriends Placehttp://www.girlfriendsplace.com
Glitz Recognition and Promotions Prizeshttp://glitzetal.com/
Heaton Jewelryhttp://www.heatonjewelry.com
Jodi's Accessorieshttp://www.jodisaccessories.com
LTD Commoditieshttp://www.ltdcommodities.com
Little Things Inchttp://www.littlethingsinc.com
MHR Designs Jewelryhttp://www.mhrdesigns.com/
MK Italiahttp://www.mkitalia.com
Modes Inc.Jewelry, prizeshttp://www.modesjewelry.com/
Rancho Trading Company Jewelryhttp://www.ranchotrading.com/
Sam MoonDallas' finest purse wholesaler - onlinehttp://www.sammoon.com/index.asp
The Whitney CollectionJewelry, prizeshttp://thewhitneycollection.com/
Wholesale Accessory MarketPurses, jewelryhttp://www.wholesaleaccessorymarket.com/