Excerpted from Independent Executive National Sales Director
Emeritus Arlene Lenarz’s Seminar 2000 Speech
You will never achieve your goals living on the “aisle” of someday. Someday “aisle” win my free car. Someday “aisle” be a Star Consultant. Someday “aisle” become a Sales Director.
You know what?
Someday is not a day of the week.
You can’t just stroll to your goal. You can’t lounge your way to the top.
Launch your way to the top, and your launching pad is your skin care class.
O’Henry tells the story of the New York artist who planned to paint a great masterpiece. His picture was to be colossal. Those who heard him tell of his plan were thrilled by the concept. It would send his name echoing forever down the ageless corridors of time. It would make him a companion of the immortal DaVinci and the magnificent Rembrandt.
But he couldn’t start the picture today. Things just weren’t right - a touch of rheumatism, a gloomy day, bad light, not in the mood.
So it went on and on until one day his friends found him dead in his bed. They took up his lifeless body and buried his unfinished masterpiece with him.
Will the masterpiece you have dreamed your life to be, be buried with you because you lived on the “aisle” of someday? Someday “aisle” achieve things that will surprise everyone. Someday “aisle” startle the world of Mary Kay with my accomplishments. Someday “aisle” get tired of standing outside, and I will force my way
into the banquet hall and demand my place at the banquet table.
and while you talk about someday, the days slip away and the fabric of life wears thin, and as Mary Kay said, “Far too many people go to their graves with their masterpiece unpainted, their music unplayed, and their dreams never realized."
But your dreams are in the making - so seize the moment - today, not tomorrow.
Yesterday is a cancelled check.
Tomorrow is a promissory note.
Today is instant cash.
to make your life a masterpiece.
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