Here are lots of great tips for getting your Mary Kay business organized!
Getting things Done
1. GOALS IN A ZIPLOCK BAG! To help keep up with your goals for the week, take a zip loc bag and put your goals for the week in it. For example, put the number of profile cards in there for the number of faces you want to do. How many sales tickets do you want to fill out? How many business cards/beauty books do you want to pass out? How many interviews do you want to do? Put that many agreements in the bag. Carry it everywhere with you. At the end of the week, should you have anything left over, ADD it to next week's bag....but don't pull anything out of that bag!
2.Join the DIN, DIN Club - Do It Now, Do It Now, Do It Now - Rena Tarbet talks about the DIN, DIN, Club. If we did things as we thought of them, we would never get behind. Only let papers pass through you hands once, then deal with them.
3.Any tip on organization would not be complete w/o recognizing the importance of the Weekly Plan sheet and the 6 most important list. Never go to bed w/o knowing exactly what you want to accomplish the next day - or nothing will get done!
4.) USE THE SIX MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO LIST as a way of staying focused. I never go to bed without completing what I have to do the next day. Sue Kirkpatrick, NSD has taught her national area never to focus on paperwork during the hours of 9am-9pm. That is people time. You should be growing your business or out meeting your future team members.
5.) USE THE WEEKLY PLAN SHEET. I can tell very quickly if my week is out of whack. Sometimes we tend to focus one week on sales and one on recruiting and one of nothing. You know what I mean. So if you use a weekly plan sheet you can tell immediately where the problem is.
Account for your time as follows:
If you have a full-time job, highlight those hours in yellow.
Meetings and training are Pink.
Money time, such as phone calls to book and appointments to sell are in Green. Spiritual time is blue.
Family personal time is orange.
Where most have a problem is not enough green, Money Time, on the books. I suggest the following - that we highlight all the money time we have available whether we have the bookings or not. Now, just like your hairdresser, when we book we now fill in the green times with names.
Keeping Track of Your Leads
1. ORGANIZING CHATTER BOOKING CARDS Get a little memo notebook, like the kind you used to write homework assignments in, approx. .50 cents each. As you book someone, tape the card to a sheet and write any information you have about them on that page, where you met her, reminders of who she is, tentative bookings, etc. Now all of your cards will be in one place and when you sit down to follow-up, they are all there. Also, if you are out and about and find yourself without a card, your prospective customer can just write her name on that page.
2. A spiral notebook next to my telephone for all orders, inquiries, reminders, consultant problems, etc. Instead of many separate little sheets and notes all over the place, I have one (1) source to refer back to.
3. A shoulder bag with outside opened pockets with business cards, pen, a brochure and a recruiting tape / brochure ready to be whipped out the second a sharp woman catches my eye....no fumbling. Sometimes all we have is one second.
Organizing Your Products
1.Put product on your shelf in the same order it is on the order form. Makes it easier to count.
2.Keep smaller product in shoe boxes. Bring those boxes to appointments with you. It is so much easier than pulling what you hope will be the most popular shades and then putting them up when you get home.
3.Two words.....ziploc bags! Use them for sponges, applicators, etc.
4.Get yourself a wheeled luggage cart like the ones you use in airports. You look so much more professional wheeling that in with your showcases on it rather than looking like the Bag Lady when you arrive for a class!
5. Hanging Shoe Bag off the back of the door (holds 20 shoes). Let's organize all those little travel size items from section 2 sales aids. Each shoe Pocket holds a category of product samplers such as : revitalizing lotion, stress free lotion, sea level lotion, body buffing cream, visible action skin revealing lotion, fragrance vials, men's demonstrators, foil packets of lip and eye creams, sunblock, purifying bars, facial on the go foil packets, etc. This shoe Bag would be handiest by your products and bags. So once you grab a bag and start filling it for your customer with the products she needs, you can also put lots of things for her to try, to introduce her to new products and to thank her for her business. Trust me, she'll come back! You may even say, I put some goodies in your bag to spoil you and to thank you in advance for your loyalty.
Organizing For Great Customer Service
1.Start from Day one keeping up with what your customers purchase - either on the back of the profile cards or on a blank 5X7 card stapled to the profile card. Knowing what color foundation your customer uses is as important as your Dr. or Dentist knowing what drugs you take or your hairdresser knowing what size rods she used on your last perm or what color she last put in your hair. It all comes down to Personal Service and I feel it is as important as anything else in your business.
2.To keep track of birthdays: After each facial, take the white top sheet from the profile and cut out the upper right section with name, address, etc. Highlight birthdate and attach to an index card and file by month. At the beginning of each month pre-write all your birthday cards with customer gift coupon enclosed. Write date to mail in the upper right hand corner of the envelope and mail when appropriate.
3.Always keep sales tickets by each phone. This saves time by not having to write the order twice and it prevents searching for all those tiny pieces of paper.
4.Fill orders the night before. Place bags where they can not be missed in the morning rush.
Paper, paper, everywhere! (Not anymore!)
1.Get a Masters Notebook. This is just a 3 ring binder with page protectors in it. Put all handouts that you get from your Director or the Company that you will be copying in it.
2.Get an expanding file folder and put it in an MK tote bag. Put your beauty books, other brochures, recruiting literature, business cards, closing sets, Tic-Tac-Toe, etc, anything you need to do your business that you give to customers. Put it in your car. You will always have it when you go to do a class or if you are out chatter booking and someone asks for a brochure. In addition, when you get ready to order, you can tell at a glance what you need.
3.Keep a business size envelope in your purse for the month each month and at the end of the month characterize your receipts that you put in the envelope, add them up and put each total on the outside of the envelope. Ex.: when you go to the post office, put the receipt in the envelope, When you buy your cotton balls, wash clothes, Q-tips, etc. It all goes in the envelope in your purse. At the end of the year you will have 12 envelopes. Simply add up your totals from your envelopes and you have your expenses for the year. What could be more easier? KISS-Keep It Simply Simple!!!
4.Remember to stay vertical on your desk - things that are up will be easier to find than a pile of papers you have to sort through. Also - don't forget that you can throw out old papers and handouts occasionally - if it is really really good - don't worry you will get it again in a different form next year!
Happy organizing!
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