I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,
Hesitate in the presence of procrastination,
Negotiate at the table of fear,
Ponder at the pool of popularity,
Or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won't give up,
Shut up,
Let upUntil I've Stayed up,
Stored up,
Prayed up,
and Paid up,
And become the person that God intended me to be.
What I think about,
I bring about.
Look out and have no doubt,
When I am committed,
That's when I stand out from mediocrity.
I will let nobody push my buttons.
I will let nobody rain on my parade.
I will go over.
I will go under.
I will go around
And I will go through any obstacle that comes my way!
Because I am highly motivated
Truly dedicated
andExtremely successful!
Author Unknown
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