Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How Do I Find My Clients?

You've started your Mary Kay business and you find yourself wondering, how do I find my clients? Here are some tips to help you find them.

Educate your Friends and Family

When you hear this you first thought might be to hand out a few catalogs, but that is not the answer. Really educate your family on what services you offer, the types of customers you are looking for. Tell them why YOU love the product and the company!

Get OutTthere in a BIG way!

You need to meet as many people (and faces) as you can. Getting out there means going to networking groups, attending events and speaking in public. But if you can’t get out of the house, don’t despair. There are ways to do some of this from home: You can also network in chat rooms or other online forums.

Set Aside Time Regulaly to Do Things to Bring in Business

The biggest mistake Mary Kay reps make is not treating their business seriously. They tend to squeeze in the marketing and business development in between other things or push it directly to the back burner. But the fact is, if you don't market today, you will probably not have clients in 6 months.

The solution is to set a time each day (non-negotiable time!) that is used just for attracting clients. Make the decision to do something everyday:

1. Make 5 phone calls each day
2. Send out 10 emails
3. Mail out 5 catalogs each day
4. Follow up with 5 previous customers
5. Collect 10 leads per day

Sunday, January 20, 2008

You are the Heart of My Business

Print these out on pretty Pink or Red paper and stick in all of your reorder bags. Be sure to call to follow up! You can also use these when you are out warm chatting!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mary Kay Success Newsletter January 14

Welcome to this week's edition of the buzz! This week we focus on Organization (January is national organization month after all!)! If you are trying to get organized, you are sure to find some help in the articles we feature this week!

  • One of the first things you need to organize in your Mary Kay business is your daily activities. Here is a great worksheet to get you started!

  • Do you love seeing how the uber-organized live? Check out this fab MK office!

  • Want a chance to Earn While You Learn? Check out this exciting contest to win $100 cash!

If you would like to recieve this weekly newsletter and other valuable tips subscribe here.
Have a Pink Week!

Darci Dollars Jackpot Meter

Darci Dollars Jackpot Meter
Is Currently $0.95
(updated 2/6/08 10:37 AM PST)
Check Back to Watch It Grow! When the meter reaches $100, a lucky newsletter subscriber will be $100 richer!
See how you can win here

Mary Kay Success Earn While You Learn Contest

Earn While You Learn Contest!

Everyone in Mary Kay has heard the phrase "Earn while you learn" - and now is the time to put that phrase to practice! This contest honors participation with the chance to win $100 in CASH! Visit the Darcy Dollars Jackpot Meter here
How to win:
1. subscribe to the newsletter here (all current subscribers are automatically entered).
2. Participate on the site:Read the articles, comment on the articles, share the site with friends, and visit our sponsors, to increase the Darci Dollars Jackpot - when it reaches $100 - one of our lucky subscribers will walk away with $100 in hand.
3. Bonus Entries - You can earn 5 bonus entries into the drawing by doing one of the following:
1.Posting information about this contest on your blog or website (leave a link in the comments section below)
2. Sending an email announcing this contest (with links) to at least 5 of your friends with a cc email sent to me at

Check Out This Super Organized Mary Kay Office!

I Love Getting Inspiration From Super Organized People - Isn't this Mary Kay Director's Office To Die For? Love it!

Mary Kay Office In Your Car

Feeling frazzled and unprepared? Get a portable file box to keep in your car at all times. Purchase 10 dividers and label them with the following labels:
1. Beauty Books
2. Look Books
3. Profile Cards
4. Sales Tickets
5. Hostess Packets
6. Postcards (Blank, Thank you & Class Reminder)
7. Consultant Agreements
8. Closing Sheets showing our sets
9. Recruiting Packets
10. Consider the Possibilities DVD
11. Class Emergencies - (In plastic separate ziplock bags)
6 ea. demo brushes, a few cotton balls, a few white labels, business cards

Mary Kay Quote of the Week

"There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. We all have a choice. You can decide which type of person you want to be. I have always chosen to be in the first group."

Mary Kay Ash

Lots of Mary Kay Organization Tips!

Here are lots of great tips for getting your Mary Kay business organized!
Getting things Done
1. GOALS IN A ZIPLOCK BAG! To help keep up with your goals for the week, take a zip loc bag and put your goals for the week in it. For example, put the number of profile cards in there for the number of faces you want to do. How many sales tickets do you want to fill out? How many business cards/beauty books do you want to pass out? How many interviews do you want to do? Put that many agreements in the bag. Carry it everywhere with you. At the end of the week, should you have anything left over, ADD it to next week's bag....but don't pull anything out of that bag!
2.Join the DIN, DIN Club - Do It Now, Do It Now, Do It Now - Rena Tarbet talks about the DIN, DIN, Club. If we did things as we thought of them, we would never get behind. Only let papers pass through you hands once, then deal with them.
3.Any tip on organization would not be complete w/o recognizing the importance of the Weekly Plan sheet and the 6 most important list. Never go to bed w/o knowing exactly what you want to accomplish the next day - or nothing will get done!
4.) USE THE SIX MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO LIST as a way of staying focused. I never go to bed without completing what I have to do the next day. Sue Kirkpatrick, NSD has taught her national area never to focus on paperwork during the hours of 9am-9pm. That is people time. You should be growing your business or out meeting your future team members.
5.) USE THE WEEKLY PLAN SHEET. I can tell very quickly if my week is out of whack. Sometimes we tend to focus one week on sales and one on recruiting and one of nothing. You know what I mean. So if you use a weekly plan sheet you can tell immediately where the problem is.
Account for your time as follows:
If you have a full-time job, highlight those hours in yellow.
Meetings and training are Pink.
Money time, such as phone calls to book and appointments to sell are in Green. Spiritual time is blue.
Family personal time is orange.
Where most have a problem is not enough green, Money Time, on the books. I suggest the following - that we highlight all the money time we have available whether we have the bookings or not. Now, just like your hairdresser, when we book we now fill in the green times with names.
Keeping Track of Your Leads
1. ORGANIZING CHATTER BOOKING CARDS Get a little memo notebook, like the kind you used to write homework assignments in, approx. .50 cents each. As you book someone, tape the card to a sheet and write any information you have about them on that page, where you met her, reminders of who she is, tentative bookings, etc. Now all of your cards will be in one place and when you sit down to follow-up, they are all there. Also, if you are out and about and find yourself without a card, your prospective customer can just write her name on that page.
2. A spiral notebook next to my telephone for all orders, inquiries, reminders, consultant problems, etc. Instead of many separate little sheets and notes all over the place, I have one (1) source to refer back to.
3. A shoulder bag with outside opened pockets with business cards, pen, a brochure and a recruiting tape / brochure ready to be whipped out the second a sharp woman catches my fumbling. Sometimes all we have is one second.
Organizing Your Products
1.Put product on your shelf in the same order it is on the order form. Makes it easier to count.
2.Keep smaller product in shoe boxes. Bring those boxes to appointments with you. It is so much easier than pulling what you hope will be the most popular shades and then putting them up when you get home.
3.Two words.....ziploc bags! Use them for sponges, applicators, etc.
4.Get yourself a wheeled luggage cart like the ones you use in airports. You look so much more professional wheeling that in with your showcases on it rather than looking like the Bag Lady when you arrive for a class!
5. Hanging Shoe Bag off the back of the door (holds 20 shoes). Let's organize all those little travel size items from section 2 sales aids. Each shoe Pocket holds a category of product samplers such as : revitalizing lotion, stress free lotion, sea level lotion, body buffing cream, visible action skin revealing lotion, fragrance vials, men's demonstrators, foil packets of lip and eye creams, sunblock, purifying bars, facial on the go foil packets, etc. This shoe Bag would be handiest by your products and bags. So once you grab a bag and start filling it for your customer with the products she needs, you can also put lots of things for her to try, to introduce her to new products and to thank her for her business. Trust me, she'll come back! You may even say, I put some goodies in your bag to spoil you and to thank you in advance for your loyalty.
Organizing For Great Customer Service
1.Start from Day one keeping up with what your customers purchase - either on the back of the profile cards or on a blank 5X7 card stapled to the profile card. Knowing what color foundation your customer uses is as important as your Dr. or Dentist knowing what drugs you take or your hairdresser knowing what size rods she used on your last perm or what color she last put in your hair. It all comes down to Personal Service and I feel it is as important as anything else in your business.
2.To keep track of birthdays: After each facial, take the white top sheet from the profile and cut out the upper right section with name, address, etc. Highlight birthdate and attach to an index card and file by month. At the beginning of each month pre-write all your birthday cards with customer gift coupon enclosed. Write date to mail in the upper right hand corner of the envelope and mail when appropriate.
3.Always keep sales tickets by each phone. This saves time by not having to write the order twice and it prevents searching for all those tiny pieces of paper.
4.Fill orders the night before. Place bags where they can not be missed in the morning rush.
Paper, paper, everywhere! (Not anymore!)
1.Get a Masters Notebook. This is just a 3 ring binder with page protectors in it. Put all handouts that you get from your Director or the Company that you will be copying in it.
2.Get an expanding file folder and put it in an MK tote bag. Put your beauty books, other brochures, recruiting literature, business cards, closing sets, Tic-Tac-Toe, etc, anything you need to do your business that you give to customers. Put it in your car. You will always have it when you go to do a class or if you are out chatter booking and someone asks for a brochure. In addition, when you get ready to order, you can tell at a glance what you need.
3.Keep a business size envelope in your purse for the month each month and at the end of the month characterize your receipts that you put in the envelope, add them up and put each total on the outside of the envelope. Ex.: when you go to the post office, put the receipt in the envelope, When you buy your cotton balls, wash clothes, Q-tips, etc. It all goes in the envelope in your purse. At the end of the year you will have 12 envelopes. Simply add up your totals from your envelopes and you have your expenses for the year. What could be more easier? KISS-Keep It Simply Simple!!!
4.Remember to stay vertical on your desk - things that are up will be easier to find than a pile of papers you have to sort through. Also - don't forget that you can throw out old papers and handouts occasionally - if it is really really good - don't worry you will get it again in a different form next year!
Happy organizing!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

10 Steps To Organizing Your Life

by NSD Kathy Helou

Psychological studies show that people are more productive when working in an organized environment. That’s great news for the neat freaks, but what about organizationally deficient folks? Are they destined to wallow in their debilitating clutter for eternity? Of course not! With a little effort, anyone can learn organizational skills and reap the benefits of an orderly life.
If your mess has bested you, give this 10-step program a shot.
1. Fix the leak. It doesn’t do any good to repair a water-damaged ceiling until after the leak in the roof is fixed. Likewise, you will make no progress in organizing your life if you continue to practice disorderly habits. Examine your lifestyle and determine where the bulk of the mess is coming from, then make a conscious effort to break those habits. Set some guidelines for yourself and your family—“No new messes!” being the primary rule. The first step in changing messy ways is to stop contributing to the problem.
2. Assess the mess. Take a look around and decide what areas of your home or office need your attention. Maybe just one or two rooms have started to clutter, or maybe every square inch of your property is packed and piled with possessions. Whatever the case, begin with a good look-see.
3. Do the daily dozen. I know the thought of sorting through those closets and corners makes you shudder, so don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to tackle the job all at once. The hit-and-run approach works much better. Set aside twelve minutes a day to do something simple like cleaning up your medicine cabinet or organizing your lawn and gardening tools in the garage. When your daily dozen is up, walk away. It may not seem like you are accomplishing much, but like running water wears away at a rock, after a few weeks, you will begin to see the effects of your efforts.
4. Localize. If you are disorganized, chances are your mess has crept through your entire house, with pieces and projects all mixed together in a jumble. Don’t despair! It’s fixable. Start by localizing your messes. Choose a place for each “category” of mess. Paperwork should go by the filing cabinet, tools in the garage, music and videos with the entertainment center. Don’t worry about organizing them yet; just stash them in a box, basket, or plastic tub in the general vicinity of their final destination. Think of it as a giant puzzle. If you put all the pieces of one section in the same place, the final assembly is faster and easier.
5. Reduce, recycle, resale. Admit it! You don’t even use the stuff you’re hording in that basement storage room, and half the clothes in your closet don’t fit you anymore. And when was the last time you listened to the music cassettes you purchased in 1983? As you begin to sort and localize your mess, find a giant box and write “garage sale” on the side. As you uncover something you can live without, stash it in the box. Recycle old papers, magazines and plastics, and make weekly donations to a charitable resale shop.
6. Choose a corner. Pick one area or room and concentrate your twelve-minute organizational spurts on that place until it is finished. Those jam-packed dresser drawers might be your first focus. Or maybe the cupboard below the bathroom sink demands top priority. If your whole house is in chaos, make a project list, placing high-priority jobs at the top. As you clean and organize each area, cross a line off the list and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Seeing the list dwindle will keep you motivated!
7. Categorize. When organizing, it’s often easiest to remove everything from its container or cupboard and sift through all the pieces that need to fit into the space. Sort through and separate your stuff into categories. If you’re tackling the bedroom closet, maybe you want work clothes in one section, formal outfits clustered together and casual digs in a separate cubby. Once your clothes are categorized, you can see how much space you will need for each grouping.
8. Case the space. Take a look at your closet and determine the most efficient way to store your possessions. Which items do you use the most? You’ll want those in an easy-to-reach location. How much space will the items in each category take up? You’ll want to choose a shelf or drawer that will accommodate them. If needed, add shelves, hooks, closet rods and other gadgets that will improve the organization of a space.
9. Clean and replace. Since an empty space is easy to clean, this is a good time to pull out a sponge and a vacuum. Once you’ve vanquished the dirt, start replacing the items one category at a time. Work at it until you’ve found the right mix of organization and convenience. When one area is finished, move on to the next until the work is done.
10. Maintain. Your house or office is organized, but it won’t stay that way unless you do the upkeep. Now that you’re in the habit of spending a dozen minutes a day organizing, spend that time eliminating little areas of mess or disorganization that appear. While putting bath towels in the linen closet, take an extra 30 seconds to straighten the other shelves. Is that Tupperware cupboard starting to overflow? It only takes two minutes to restack the containers in a neat and orderly fashion. Spending a few minutes each day to stay on top of the mess is much easier than reorganizing the whole house each year.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mary Kay Success Weekly Newsletter January 7, 2008

Welcome to this week's edition of the buzz! This week we focus on Goal Setting! Whether your Mary Kay business is your first experience with setting goals or you've been setting them all of your life, you are sure to find some help in the articles we feature this week!

  • Our first article is an excerpt from Independent Executive National Sales DirectorEmeritus Arlene Lenarz’s Seminar 2000 Speech entitled, Now Is The Time For Goal Setting.

  • Have the words, "I'll get around to it." ever fallen out of your mouth? If they have, you will definately want one of these.

  • If you are ready to set your Mary Kay goals, you may want to check out these 7 Steps To Achieving a Goal.

  • Consultants are not the only ones with goals - our customers have them too! This Monday Marketing Minute will help your customers meet their goals for a new look for the New Year!

  • Independent Sales Director Carol Scholes of Tacoma, Washington shares some tips for Keeping Goals.

  • If getting prepared for taxes is one of your goals, you will not want to miss out on this FREE teleconference!

  • And last but not least, see what Mary Kay had to say about goals!

If you would like to recieve this weekly newsletter and other valuable tips subscribe here.

Have a Pink Week!

7 Steps To Achieving A Goal

7 Steps to Goal setting

Successfully executing any personal strategic plan for change requires that as you develop your plan, you effectively incorporate these seven steps for attaining each and every goal.

1. Express your goal in terms of specific events or behaviors.
For a dream to become a goal, it has to be specifically defined in terms of operations, meaning what will be done. When a goal is broken down into steps, it can be managed and pursued much more directly. "Being happy," for example, is neither an event nor a behavior. When you set out to identify a goal, define what you want in clear and specific terms.

2. Express your goal in terms that can be measured.
How else will you be able to determine your level of progress, or even know when you have successfully arrived where you wanted to be? For instance, how much money do you aspire to make?

3. Assign a timeline to your goal.
Once you have determined precisely what it is you want, you must decide on a timeframe for having it. The deadline you've created fosters a sense of urgency or purpose, which in turn will serve as an important motivator, and prevent inertia or procrastination.

4. Choose a goal you can control.
Unlike dreams, which allow you to fantasize about events over which you have no control, goals have to do with aspects of your existence that you control and can therefore manipulate. In identifying your goal, strive for what you can create, not for what you can't.

5. Plan and program a strategy that will get you to your goal.
Pursuing a goal seriously requires that you realistically assess the obstacles and resources involved, and that you create a strategy for navigating that reality. Willpower is unreliable, fickle fuel because it is based on your emotions. Your environment, your schedule and your accountability must be programmed in such a way that all three support you — long after an emotional high is gone. Life is full of temptations and opportunities to fail. Those temptations and opportunities compete
with your more constructive and task-oriented behavior. Without programming, you will find it much harder to stay the course.

6. Define your goal in terms of steps.
Major life changes don't just happen; they happen one step at a time. Steady progress, through well-chosen, realistic, interval steps, produces results in the end. Know what those steps are before you set out.

7. Create accountability for your progress toward your goal.
Without accountability, people are apt to con themselves. If you know precisely what you want, when you want it — and there are real consequences for not doing the assigned work — you are much more likely to continue in your pursuit of your goal. Find someone in your circle of family or friends to whom you can be accountable. Make periodic reports on your progress.
Try this handy sheet for keeping track of your goals!

Now Is The Time For Goal Setting

Excerpted from Independent Executive National Sales Director
Emeritus Arlene Lenarz’s Seminar 2000 Speech

You will never achieve your goals living on the “aisle” of someday. Someday “aisle” win my free car. Someday “aisle” be a Star Consultant. Someday “aisle” become a Sales Director.

You know what?

Someday is not a day of the week.

You can’t just stroll to your goal. You can’t lounge your way to the top.

Launch your way to the top, and your launching pad is your skin care class.

O’Henry tells the story of the New York artist who planned to paint a great masterpiece. His picture was to be colossal. Those who heard him tell of his plan were thrilled by the concept. It would send his name echoing forever down the ageless corridors of time. It would make him a companion of the immortal DaVinci and the magnificent Rembrandt.

But he couldn’t start the picture today. Things just weren’t right - a touch of rheumatism, a gloomy day, bad light, not in the mood.

So it went on and on until one day his friends found him dead in his bed. They took up his lifeless body and buried his unfinished masterpiece with him.

Will the masterpiece you have dreamed your life to be, be buried with you because you lived on the “aisle” of someday? Someday “aisle” achieve things that will surprise everyone. Someday “aisle” startle the world of Mary Kay with my accomplishments. Someday “aisle” get tired of standing outside, and I will force my way
into the banquet hall and demand my place at the banquet table.


and while you talk about someday, the days slip away and the fabric of life wears thin, and as Mary Kay said, “Far too many people go to their graves with their masterpiece unpainted, their music unplayed, and their dreams never realized."

But your dreams are in the making - so seize the moment - today, not tomorrow.

Yesterday is a cancelled check.
Tomorrow is a promissory note.
Today is instant cash.
Just be your own hardest task master - expect more of yourself than anyone else does. Just know that you have the power, the energy, the magic within you
to make your life a masterpiece.

Mary Kay Focus on Goals

Focus on Goals

Independent Sales Director Carol Scholes of Tacoma, Wash., shares these basic tips on goals:

Why Set Goals?

1. When goals are set, things happen.
2. Goals make you feel good about yourself.
3. Goals provide attitude adjustments.
4. Goals establish self-discipline and motivation.
5. Goals give you direction and purpose.
6. Goals take you where you want to go.
7. Goals create good habits and patterns to follow.
8. A goal will eliminate others from controlling your life. Set a goal to discipline yourself. If
you don't, others will.

Goals Can Be Negative If:

1. They are too big.
2. They are out of your sphere of interest.
3. You believe luck is necessary to arrive at your destination.
4. You set your goal by comparing yourself with others' accomplishments.
5. You are doing it for someone else.

Reasons Most People Do Not Set Goals:

1. They are not sold on the benefits.
2. They feel it's safer not to.
3. They fear commitment, failure or success.
4. They have a poor attitude or focus.
5. They don't want to work.

Setting A Goal

1. Decide exactly what you want - be very specific.
2. Aim high - you should have "butterflies." Stretch your limits.
3. Create visuals. The subconscious mind accepts all information as fact and cannot
distinguish between what is real and what is imagined and believed.
4. Involve family members. Find out what's in it for them.
5. Pick someone to emulate.
6. Define where you are. Goals must be "BIG" according to your ability.
7. Determine what you are capable of in a day, a week, a month and a year.
8. Write your goals in detail and talk about them with appropriate people.
9. Focus on your goal daily. If a goal is not focused on for 3 days, it's as if it never existed.
10. See goals as if they had already happened.
11. Keep your FOCUS. (Follow One Course Until Successful.)
12. Quitting is not an option.
13. Set another goal immediately upon reaching a goal.

Six Parts of a Goal

1. WOW - Excitement of a goal.
2. HOW - Plan to achieve a goal.
3. NOW - Just do it.
4. OUCH - Do it anyway!
5. VOW - Commitment to reach goal.
6. POW - The Victory!

Mary Kay Monday Marketing Minute

A New Year A New You Marketing Piece
Mary Kay Consultants aren't the only ones looking to make changes or to reach new goals at New Year's, and this little marketing piece will help you to capitalize on it! You can print out a sheet of four of these here!
Good Luck!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Top 10 Things To Do For 2008 in Mary Kay

Top 10 Things to do to get organized for 2008
By Future Executive Senior Sales Director Connie Guthrie

10. Count your inventory.
Tip: Do it as if you were placing an order on line. Then it will total it for you and you can print it out for your records.

9. Clean out your starter kit.
Tip: Take everything out, clean it up, put it all back in and you will want to hold a class.

8. Clean out your “on the go inventory”
Tip: Make sure you have at least one of everything and several of those things you sell the most.

7. Separate your limited and discontinued items from your inventory.
Tip: Use them as hostess gifts, door prizes, in a discount basket, or as a gift with purchase.

6. Place an order to fill in any gaps in your inventory A.S.A.P.
Tip: Be sure and check your class supplies and restock them so you will be ready fot the New Year.

5. Purge your customer file.
Tip: Hire someone or you.. call each customer to make sure they are happy with their products, fill any needs they have, check for phone numbers and address changes.

4. Go over your calendar for January- highlight when you want to hold classes.
Tip: Decide on a hostess contest for each month of the year so you will have a reason to book. Example…

3. Add up all your receipts for your tax info so you can start fresh for 2008.
Tip: To keep up with personal use…type a list of those items you use most and their retail price beside them. Tape it to the door of your inventory closet with a pen too, and then as you take it off your shelf you can put a hash mark.

2. Add up your sales for the year.
Tip: If you have been doing your weekly accomplishment sheets, you have this number already. Plan to start 2008 on day one and keep up with it all year.

1. Do all of the above after 9 pm at night and before 9 am in the morning!
Tip : Except for calling your customers!

Mary Kay - The Art of Networking

(From The Art of Networking CD by Cindy Macado, Leader of the Mac Attack, Million Dollar Director, Offspring of Pamela Shaw)

Beauty Salons
It takes a little bit of time because you have to develop a relationship with the owner or manager of the salon as well as the beauty operators. Bounce around to a bunch of them.
Find one that is up to date and has some advertising in the windows. Offer free makeovers for their clients for client appreciation.
  • You tell them this is a different type of Make over. I'm going to teach you how to do this yourself so you can look this good all of the time.
  • Give the receptionist at the shop and incentive to help you. Tell her when she is booking regular appointments if she mentions that you will be there doing makeovers you will give her free product. Give her a book and samples to peak her interest.
  • Get the staff to love you. Get the names and numbers of the people you will be making over beforehand. Call them to be sure they don't already have a consultant.
  • Do satin hands on each client while they have on their color. You can find a flyer about this idea on Pam Shaw's website. Click on Cindy Machado's face under directors on Pam's site. She allows her Inner Circle directors to place flyers on her website

Brides Fairs
Also check the newspaper for engagement announcements
New brides make good recruits because they are going through major change in their life. 1/2 to 1/3 of her recruits last year came from brides.

  • Do the bride first along with maybe her mother and her maid of honor. Then go back and do the bridesmaids another day. This will keep you from being there all day.


  • Community day, church functions, look in the newspaper craft fairs etc.
  • Call them and get a table. It could cost anywhere from free up to about $30.00.

This can sometimes be a bust and sometimes it can be great. The key is if you get a good troupe leader.

  • Have her set up a mother and daughter pampering session. Don't try it with just the girls. We need the mom's there so we can teach them what to do to take care for their skin so that they can act as a mentor for their daughters.
  • We don't want to tell them that we want the moms there because they have the cash, and we don't want the daughters going home telling the mom's I want this, this and this and the mom's don't know what's going on.

Facial Boxes
These are sometimes called fishbowls. You could get good & bad results from this idea.
The key is to have a lot of them out and move it if it ain’t producing. Get the owner sold on the idea.

  • You use small sheets that say Register here to win a $10 gift certificate to the store and a free makeover. Have 5 to 10 out at a time.
  • Please know that some will be thrown out, some will have names of men and others kids will sign up. So what keep moving. Good place to target are bagel shops, coffee shops, dry cleaners, doctors offices i.e. OB/GYN doctors.
  • At the coffee shop talk to the person behind the counter each morning. Offer her a satin hands set for getting people to put in their name and number.
  • Try and target everyplace that you are spending your money. If you are doing business with them they should be doing business with you.

These are best if you get them from men that you do business with or men that you know who do business with other women. Men such as real estate salesmen, or insurance salesmen who are always meeting sharp women.

Pamper sessions
Call people who work in the healthcare industry. They are usually overworked and underpaid. The person in charge is always looking for ways to pamper the staff that is nice and won't take a big bite out of their budget.

  • You go in and offer your service. You tell them that you know they are always looking for ways to pamper their staff and you are there to help.
  • You will not push product on them. You will just do a luxurious hand treatment and have books and samples if they would like something.
  • Have the clients fill out the cards for a free facial/makeover and for the drawing. Bring wrapped PCP gifts for the drawing.
  • Bring a sample hand cream for everyone.
  • When applying the satin hand treatment really massage their hands and this gives you a brief moment to talk to each person. Use the private spa lotions to finish off the hand treatment instead of the hand cream.

Chamber of Commerce
Call the Chamber and find out when they have their mixers/business card exchanges
In the Bay Area a great example would be 1st Fridays These are opportunities to meet lots of sharp professionals!

  • You don’t have to actually join the chamber, just pay the entrance fee of $10-$20 of the event.
  • Walk around tables and talk to professional women, but also approach business men about pampering their wives or “special someone’s”
  • When you spot a really sharp woman, here’s a sample script:
    “Hello, I’ve only got about 10 minutes and I’m looking for sharp women to go in my portfolio of professional women. I’ve scanned the room and saw you and rushed over to ask if I could feature you in my Before & After portfolio of professional women”
    Then exchange cards. The best thing is that you’ve got her work number, so she’s less likely to “hide” from you. She’s a professional so if she isn’t interested she’ll say “no” and if she books, the appt. is more likely to hold, since she understands business.
    When you put her photo in your portfolio, but her business card next to her face which will promote her business

Fashion Shows
Offer to provide facials for the models. This can lead to doing the makeup for their shows or on-going skin care sessions

Mom’s/Women’s Groups (Mothers of Preschoolers, Moms of Twins, Women’s Ministries, etc)

  • Offer to do a small presentation (if you are at their function, do on-the-spot mini facials)
  • Have samples to pass around, attached to your business card

Networking Groups (a cost is attached). It is recommended that you join those with men in them (i.e. proverbial women cattiness ... per Cindy Mack)

  • LeTIP International (Call for a local chapter). There is a $300 fee; however you make it back really quick.
    Benefits: There is only one type of business represented in each group (i.e. (1) cosmetics person, (1) attorney, (1) dry cleaner, etc)
    They provide business leads for each other and are required to give one tip per month
  • During the holidays, all the group members shop with you!

Dress Shops (Higher End ones)

  • Go to specialty shops, consignment shops, Casual Corner, Express, etc.
  • Set up a table, with a “Register to Win” sign. Ask shoppers to register to win a gift certificate from the store and to receive a free pamper session.
  • Call all the leads in the box, after you’ve given away the gift certificate, book from the other names in the box

Professional Before & After Photos
Go to places where image is crucial. People such as bank managers may want to do a pamper/makeover session for their staff to insure professional images.

  • Compile a purse-sized one to show potential prospects
  • To take a Before Shot: Have the model stand in front of a WHITE wall, with a WHITE towel draped around them, then photograph with them NOT smiling
  • To take an After Shot: Have the model wear a bright blouse and/or a colorful scarf and fluff their hair. Then photograph them WITH a smile

Fund Raisers

  • Find school athletic coaches, PTA staff, Volunteer Queens/Kings, Church groups
  • Call Schools for their Principals or Office Administrators
  • Call churches for their Pastors, Ministry Leaders or Administrators
  • ID these groups and find out how you can partner with them so that both of you can benefit from your services I.e. You provide free facials for PTA ladies (referrals and possible sales for you) and the PTA has increased attendance and participation, etc.

Networking is the Key ... if you get out of your house. Some of these ideas may not work for you, but if you try one, another will be created. These are ways to build your Circles of Influence!

Turning A Mary Kay Facial Into A Double Facial

You've gotten the facial booked, but you would like to maximize your time and profit by turning it into a double facial... how do you do it? Use Pat Danforth's words:
“Look, you don’t me and I don’t know you. When we do your makeover, I can say you look GREAT – but it doesn’t mean anything because you don’t know if I am just trying to sell you something. So, if you would like to, you can invite a friend to have a makeover with you. That way, you’ll feel you have an unbiased opinion. It would help me because then I would have 2 new faces!
Be sure to tell her, that there is no obligation to buy anything and if you have someone with you, I will give both of you a gift!”

Tax Advice For Mary Kay

Deduction Diva Free Conference Call
Does the thought of taxtime have you frazzled? Unsure how to handle your Mary Kay deductions and income? Never fear, Deduction Diva, Vickie Collins, CPA is offering a free conference call to answer your questions and help maximize every deduction so you pay less tax. These calls are open to the entire MK community. Call times below.

Who: The Deduction Diva- Vicky Collins, CPA
When: Thursday January 10th 9:00a PST (12p EST)
Saturday January 12th 10:00a PST (1p EST)
You do not have to register for this call, just show up! These calls are packed to capacity every time, so show up on time or you might not get in!

Conference Call Number(218) 486-1300 Bridge/Pin 954754

Mary Kay Affirmation of The Week

"I'm active, I'm attractive and I'm in demand!
I'm a mover and a shaker and I work my plan!
I sell them and I book them and I share the dream,
I'm excited, I'm ignited and I'm leading my team!
I'm a woman on a mission, I will reach my goal,
I have power, I have purpose and I'm on a roll!!!"

The New Mary Kay Director Suit

Get ready to be haute in chocolate when you become a director in 2008!
Don't forget to put a picture of this slammin' suit on your new goal poster!

Mary Kay Prize Resources

Do you need to reward a hard working team or unit member? Do you need a great hostess gift or incentive? Here are some great resources:
Rancho Trading Company
ABC Distributing
Access to Accessories
Accessory Wholesale Inc.Costume Jewelry Ace ImportDiscount Purses
Angelic Dreamz
CNL Jewelers
Favors Direct
Forever Charming
Girlfriends Place
Glitz Recognition and Promotions Prizes
Heaton Jewelry
Jodi's Accessories
LTD Commodities
Little Things Inc
MHR Designs Jewelry
MK Italia
Modes Inc.Jewelry, prizes
Rancho Trading Company Jewelry
Sam MoonDallas' finest purse wholesaler - online
The Whitney CollectionJewelry, prizes
Wholesale Accessory MarketPurses, jewelry